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No More Accident Victims On Roads: Launch Event

(3rd July, 2016)

On 3rd July, 2016 The Sunny Ahluwalia Charitable Foundation officially kicked off the opening campaign in a event 'No More Accident Victims on Roads' organised at Panchayat Bhawan, Ambala City. The Deputy Commissioner of Ambala Mr. Prabhjot Singh Gujral IAS was the chief guest for the event. More than 400 people from different walks of life took part in its launch awareness program.



Highlights of the functions were ...

  • Advocate Rohit Jain, President of Bar Association discussed the legal aspects of road safety and accidents. According to a Supreme Court , an accident victim is entitled to  emergency medical care. A doctor’s duty is  to provide primary care to the patient and hospital’s responsibility is to   inform  the police . In the case of an accident the police will be called by the hospital, while they file an MLC (medicolegal cases) . If the hospital is not adequately  equipped to handle the patient’s injuries, it is the hospital’s responsibility to give first aid to  the patient and provide an ambulance to be transferred to another  equipped hospital. The hospital also has no right to delay first aid or life saving measures on the basis of procedural delays for reasons such as absence of a relative to sign forms etc. According to the law, this is again a punishable offence.
  • Mr. Harmesh from Red Cross explained the importance and key points of the first aid to be done on accident scenario.And demonstrated first aid to be given at the accident site in different cases. Lack of action in the first few minutes following an accident could be the difference between life and death.
  • Various videos were shown to imprint the message of road safety in everyone's mind, heart and soul.
  • Mr. V.k Sharma, Secretary Rotary Club told about the achievements of Sunny Ahluwalia as it’s interact president.
  • Ambala Deputy Commissioner Mr. Prabhjot Singh Gujral IAS promised to improve the conditions of the roads and assured his availability for the noble cause 24×7.

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