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Let's bring sunshine over darkness. Let's tread Sunny’s way.

What We Do


SACF is dedicated towards smooth and safe journey with the ultimate vision of a future where no one is killed on roads, and the injury rate is practically reduced.’ We believe that no death on the roads should ever be acceptable. Use of the roads whether it be by walking, cycling, riding or driving should not carry the injury and death risk.

What we Do:

  • Awareness through education and strategic enforcement.
  • Innovative road safety program for individuals and communities.
  • Lectures, Trainings, Seminars and Conferences.
  • Traffic planning on road sharing concept in present and future scenario.
  • Develop and produce/publish road safety educational material.
  • Research projects and programs, designed to discover the causes of traffic crashes.
  • Provide support to the victim and his family by providing advice, counseling for getting justice.

Awareness Campaigns:

  • Road Safety awareness camp in schools through Painting & Talks
  • No Underage driving awareness campaigns with children, their parents and schools
  • Awareness amongst Truck Drivers and Helpers through pamphlets & awareness camps.
  • Road Safety awareness activities in Societies for children and parents.
  • Drowsy driving is as dangerous as drinking driving
  • Road safety before seat belt and helmet.
  • Cycle is best option for short distances.

Why Road Safety:

India’s unenviable record of being the global leader in road fatalities, Over 1.46 lakh people lost their lives in road accidents in 2015 - that's an average of 400 road deaths every day, according to road accident data released by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The number is a 4.6 per cent increase in road accident fatalities from 1,39,671 in 2014 to 1,46,133 in 2015. many of whom are disabled for rest of their lives. These numbers translate into one road accident every minute, and one road accident death in less than four minutes. Sadly, most of these victims are young people, those who are economically active. The human and economic damage caused by road crashes is largely preventable. Lack of knowledge and awareness regarding road traffic rules and regulations, violation of traffic rules, flaws in road design and engineering, along with driver behavior, can be overcome with concerted effort. SACF’s road safety programs are conducted with the objective of educating and influencing road users about basic road safety, behavior, norms, rules and regulations.

We know that things can change and we believe that the significant majority of road users will find relief with proper traffic management.

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