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Let's bring sunshine over darkness. Let's tread Sunny’s way.

Workshop on Youth & Road Safety

(10th September, 2016)

A workshop on Youth & Road Safety was organized by The Sunny Ahluwalia Foundation in Govt. Polytechnic. Ambala City. Dr. R.C. Mishra, IPS. Commissioner of Police was the chief Guest and presided over the function.

The target audience was the staff and students of Govt. Polytechnic. It was a very informative and disciplined event.
A first aid demonstration was held by Harmesh Chand and his team from Red Cross Ambala. It explained the kind of first aid to be given at different type of situations at the time of road accidents.

A power point presentation on Youth & Road Safety was presented by Mrs. Chander Sharma. She gave a good lecture on “Why youth are particularly at risk”. She explained some scientific facts using her hosting talent and witt . This made all students to be very attentive and alert.

The Polytechnic students presented a skit on “Maa baap ka Laad” which was well received by the audience .
DPRO, Traffic Police press and media supported the event whole heartedly.

A quiz on road safety was held and the students well participated by giving right answers. Prizes were distributed to winners.



Dr. R.C Mishra, stressed on educating first and reinforcing later. He enlightened the students and others about the new changes in road safety rules. He also stressed on the self evaluation test in road safety and improving oneself
Vote of thanks was given by the principal of Govt. Polytechnic Mr. Soni.
Members who worked hard to make this event successful: Preet Mohinder Pal Singh, Honey preet Ahluwalia, Tarvinder Pal Singh ,Gurpreet Singh, Chander Sharma ,Rupinder Ahluwalia,Shivam Gupta, Sahil Bhagga, Naman Jhamb and, Sharol Ahluwalia,Yuvraj Ahluwalia.


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