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Let's bring sunshine over darkness. Let's tread Sunny’s way.

"Never Forget Sunny Ahluwalia" Memories Shared...


Priyanka Juneja

  Life brings tears‚smiles and memories. The tears dry‚ smiles fades but memories they last forever. My journey with Sunny started in class 6th, but as a person I got to know him in class 11th only. Naughty‚ fun loving‚ free minded boy who was favorite of everyone. I still remember our 11th class farewell‚ we had to perform a group dance and the best part in the whole preparation was the practice sessions. His constant drama‚ his pagalpanti are on top of my mind still and they often make me laugh. The way I used to get angry at him and the way he used to apologise‚ just seems like yesterday. One of his all time favourite dialogues was "paan thuk ke baat kar", don’t know from where did he get those crazy and funny dialogues. He was one in a million and it was pleasure to have a friend like him in my life.  

Shefali Garg

  Sunny was a friend that every person would dream to have. He was fun, jovial, helpful, considerate and above all sincere and always available for all his friends at any point of time during the day or night. We used to go for English tuitions together. As a rule, all of us – I, Sunny, Deepankur, Anushika, Ridhima, and Arsh used to wait for each other before entering the tuition class. Never had so much fun going for tuitions as it was for English classes, our group had formulated a tradition of going on ride, eating and drinking at Vita shop before the class. We used to dare each other with weirdest possible tasks and the loser had to treat all of us with pizza or burgers etc. We had so much fun together; we used to fight tease and enjoyed being each others friends. Sunny was and is still a prime link connecting our group.  

Sahil Bagga

  Sunny was always full of naughty and weird ideas. Whenever we had plans for night stay at his place, it used to turn out a night out plan. We used to roam around Ambala on our Activa and burst crackers all around Ambala. If this was not enough to satisfy our fun instincts, we used to run around ringing door bells at 3:00 AM. When tired of all this we used to return home at 4:00 AM just to watch scary movies.  

Prakriti Gandhi

  Truly said that "Memories never fade"....Same implies for our buddy Sunny. It is difficult to describe him - pagal, mastikhor, entertainer, dancer...words fail to describe him. We had been studying together since long but actually got connected in class 11th. Fun loving as he was, I can still recall all the memories of the time we spent together, so precious that they bring smile on my face every time. Those beautiful memories can never be forgotten. Even now whenever I dance I think of the natural dancing talent he had. Some lines for him-

person with an amazing personality and a beautiful heart...
Who was going to give his life a new start!!
Unexpectedly he went so far...
For me he was a real star!!
Not only strong but also kind...
He listened to his heart more than his mind!!
A great enthusiasm and passion for dance...
To fulfill his dream he got a chance!!
Unfortunately something happened for worse...
We all wondered why it happened but his soul already took another course!!

Naman Jhamb

  Sunny… whenever I hear this name I remember the unlimited fun, craziness, small fights, and all the good time I have spent with him. He is one of the best people I have met till date. I have some lovely memories with him, where some can be shared and some are secret between the two of us and now buried with him. Being a trusted friend I shared my all secrets with him and he always guided me well. The only reason I ever danced was because of Sunny as he would teach me steps or ask me to copy him. Sunny was my role model and always guided me like an elder brother. I will always thank sunny for positively influencing my life. He will always stay dear in our heart forever.  

Tanjot Singh Mann

  Infinite memories, millions of talks and infinite secrets are which I shared with sunny, who was a friend I will never get again in this life. He was the finest buddy I ever had. Can’t describe the fun we had during tuition days, crazy night outs and the gibberish talks we had. I still remember the day he joined Chaman Vatika School in standard 4th, we clicked immediately, our bonding started by troubling each other on regular basis. Our gang of boys comprising Sunny, Naman, Akhil, Rakshit and myself were a crazy group doing all crazy things. Just cannot forget those golden days we spent together, cant wipe out the memories and images off my mind which is full of his happily smiling face, his laugh, making fun of girls and the laughs we shared. The last talk we shared will always remain imprinted in my mind. I will always regret the thought “Why did I not ask him to come in my car”, I could have at least saved one friend from the dreadful mishap which has left us scared for life. Don't know what god had in his mind. Maybe he wants his dearest, closest ones next to him.
Love you my friend
U have the deepest place in my heart which will always be occupied by you and only you…  

Arshdeep Singh Bhatti

  I will start by sharing my recent memories with Sunny. We both went to English tuition together and often used to sit together and talk a lot. We used to wait for each other before entering the class. Most of the time, we chatted outside waiting for class to begin or post class we used to plan eating out or just going for a round around the city. Despite being slow in reading English, Sunny was a big fan of English music, mainly of singer Marron 5. It is he who made me addicted and hooked onto listening English music. Sunny was quiet possessive of his English playlist and never shared it with anyone. He once shared a song or two with me. We have been to many tuitions and parties together. I can never forget the time we have spent together.  

Yatin Nasa

  We all are puppets in hands of destiny. There are few who get a chance to live and fulfill their dreams and desires and excel in their field of interest. But on the other side there are people who are destined to excel but cannot fight the fate. These people leave a bigger impact on their loved ones and the society as a whole with a sense of emptiness that can never be filled. One of such person who can never be replaced is Sunny Ahluwalia, who always positively impacted every ones lives at all stages of life. We cannot fight the destiny, any bump can disrupt the flow of life and one such bump has given us a life long shock disrupting the balance of life forever.
Sunny is a fine boy known for his fabulous performance in each and every aspect of life. To begin telling about him, he was a sensitive boy full of love, affection and understood his responsibilities towards his family. He was attached to everyone at individual level, but took his sister as his friend. He shared a special bond with her where they fought, argued and disagreed with each others ideas all the time. Despite all this it was difficult to break into their relationship which was very thick and strong. Sunny could do anything for his sister. To share an incident, the school Annual athletic meet in the academic year 2013-2014 Sharol was participating in a race. Being a dedicated brother he went to cheer his little sister. That time sunny was recovering from an injury where he had multiple stitches. Not getting bothered with the pain he ran alongside his sister cheering and motivating her to win. In return Sharol won a gold medal for her dear brother.
It was often that we heard from him that his ultimate dream was to make his parents proud of him. He always wanted that his passion to do script writing becomes his dream profession and with the support of his parents and love of his sister he is able to attain heights that he had set as target for himself. Sunny’s parents had inculcated strong values in him, which reflected in his work, his desire to serve the society and help the needy. Being the member of the Interact club (junior rotary club) he always stepped up in volunteering and suggesting extremely innovative ideas to collect funds for causes that required it the most.
Sunny Ahluwalia was such a personality who didn’t leave any stone unturned on the way to success and one of those stones was dancing and oratory skills. He could easily speak his heart out by fluid dance steps which he did with lot of enthusiasm and zeal. He represented the school in various events in which he excelled with flying colors. An important milestone of his life well achieved was leading a team of interact club. During his tenure he choreographed dances to collect donations for the literacy of the poor students. With his dancing skills and the leadership quality the club was able to collect 36650 Rs for the cause. Due to his efforts interact club was able to collect 3445 books for the book bank for the poor; his gesture was highly appreciated and regarded by the Rotary club.
Sunny was the star of everyone’s eye in school starting from all the teachers to the chairman of the school, he had generated special bond with all of them. His mother always said that Sunny lives for his friends and it was absolutely true, he used to spend almost all his time with his friends. Sunny was a friend who would not think twice if his friend was in trouble or in need. He would always step up without asking and offer a helping hand. He used to eat, live and breathe with his friends and the irony of god is that he called him and his friends together detaching them from others forever.
Studies were never a concern for him, he could easily excel in all the subjects without much efforts. This made his favorite of teachers because of his good grades and extra curricular activities like regular participation in dances and athletic meets. Sunny was the Short put champion and cultural captain of the school. He regularly represented his school in various inter school competition and won many laurels in all spheres.
We fall short of words to explain the departed Sunny Ahluwalia whose dreams still remains a dream for his parents. It is always that we will remember him with moist eyes and heart full of memories that can never be overwritten. Sunny is like a candle in our lives emitting light and guiding us to help others as he did. Today he is showing us a path to form an NGO to help the most needed like he always did and will keep doing so by holding his parents and loved ones hands guiding the in the right direction.  

Aishwarya Choudhary

  I knew Sunny since the starting of my teenage and from the very start we got along really well.But the most unusual part was that out of all the years we studied together it was the ending months of class 12th where we weren't just friends, he was more like my brother from another mother.We shared the same music taste and figured out so many things we had in common.He was always there when I needed him. He had all you would want to look in an ideal friend. He was a friend,a brother,a guiding light and most importantly a shining star which he will forever be.??  

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