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Let's bring sunshine over darkness. Let's tread Sunny’s way.

The Guiding Star... Sunny Ahluwalia

According to old Testament Ecclesiastes 3;1,2 and 4
There is time for everything
and a season for every activity under the Heaven;
a time to be born and a time to die….,
a time to weep and a time to laugh……,
a time to mourn and a time to dance…..’

A Little Star: Little did I know when I, as a young catholic girl from Kerala, married a Sikh Merchant Navy Officer that I will have to settle down in Ambala and make it my home town. Life was a whirlwind romance and a blossom was born on 8th June 1997. He was named Sunny Ahluwalia as he brought new light and warmth in our family. He was a cute, lovable and chubby boy who was adored and loved by all nears and dears. He was a quick learner and picked up Malayalam and Punjabi with equal ease. He was fascinated with diversity of cultures while we accompanied my husband on sails and early exposure to different schools in UK, Cochin, Bombay and Ambala shaped his thoughts and personality.

In the initial years of schooling he became the blue eyed boy of the staff with his endearing manners. Chaman Vatika Public School brought out the best in Sunny as he loved outdoor activities. He was carving a niche for himself everywhere. He won the trust of teachers who could depend on him for any work assigned to him.

Responsible and Artistic: At home he was the responsible little man of the house in the absence of his sailing father. Sunny was a big brother to all his cousins and his sister Sharol. He spent quality time with his grand parents and ran errands for them. He was the most popular in school and among friends and was liked by both boys and girls. It was not hard to see why. He was extremely handsome, intelligent, and respectful and above all he was an all rounder. He loved to hang out with friends, loved eating outside and enjoyed partying and having fun just like any other child of his age. He was an artistic, soft spoken and kind hearted boy who started giving dance performances at the age of 13. His fluid dance movements, natural dramatic talent and oratory skills were well applauded in school and outside. He was a magnet; whoever came in touch with him became his fan. He attracted people from all walks of life with his politeness, soberness and charming personality.

He-Man: Turning on the teens made him aware of his body. He took to body building as any other teenager but got totally addicted to it. He would spend hours in shaping his muscles regularly. His height and toned body made him look so handsome that every time I looked at him I was proud but scared. I silently prayed for his safety as the fear of loosing him was constantly haunting me. I wanted to save him from every evil eye.

A Budding Performer: Though he chose science stream in the 11th standard but his heart was in dance and performing arts. He dreamt of dancing and writing scripts for his future movies. In 12th standard he became the cultural captain of school, by holding this responsibility he took his school to new heights by his activity oriented performances. He was a dreamer who never forgot the reality. His father wanted him to be an Army Officer or a Pilot, but his heart lay elsewhere. His strong desires and passion of performing dance and writing scripts for his future movies kept him quiet distracted from studies most of the times. His everyday regular life was quiet eventful and handful. The desire to follow his dreams and convert his passion into full time profession was always on his mind. He told us about his choices in life and the determination he has for his field. After quiet a few rounds of discussions, he convinced us to allow him to pursue his studies in his desired area of interest.

A Compassionate Human Being: Being a sensitive and kind boy he could feel the pain of others. Sufferings of poor people moved his heart. He started to pay attention to charity and charitable organizations. He visited Leprosy Home with his school team and brought some cheer to them with his performance. At the tender age of 17,in 12th standard, he was the President of Interact Club of Rotary Club Ambala. His kind nature helped him in serving the people in need. He visited old age home as well and sought their support and blessings. In the club meetings his suggestions were valuable and ideas were acted upon successfully. Collecting books for the needy and poor children was a responsibility Sunny was given by the Rotary Club. He put his heart and soul into it. He collected 3450 books for the needy single handedly.

He trained his young team to perform street plays including dancing, acting and singing. The street play 'Literacy’ was well appreciated and brought his talent before everyone. It resulted in collection of Rs. 36650.Under Rotary India Literacy Programme for the Poor this money was used to give a new light of hope to the poor children who couldn’t study due to lack of funds. I would like to add another incident here. Chaman Vatika School bus driver's son was suffering from cancer and he was unable to bear the cost of the treatment .Sunny requested Rotary Club to help him out and club agreed to pay for his treatment. Under his presidentship, Interact Club of Rotary became No. 1 in Asia in the year 2014-2015. Rotary Club had organized an event to honour and facilitate Sunny for his services . He was awarded the Club Builder Award. As a dream come true he was selected in Whistling Woods International Mumbai,one of the best film institutes in Asia,for in Film making and direction. This institute is affiliated to Tata Institute of Social Sciences. He was looking forward to get associated with big directors of Bollywood.

He was to leave on 7th July 2015 for Mumbai to join his graduation course and embrace a new life.

A Cruel Twist of Fate: It was time for him to realize his dreams and shine like a star. A day before leaving for Mumbai he wanted to share his happiness with his friends and planned of taking his friends out for a treat--- I told him to be safe and come soon as he had to finish his packing and he had to fly next day to Mumbai. But after about two hours I received a call to hear the devastating news that he is no more. His car banged on a stationery truck parked on the over speeding lane. Nobody could imagine what the fate had in store for him. His bright life was cut short by a devastating car accident on that fateful day 6th July 2015 due to negligence of someone’s irresponsible and senseless act. He lost his precious life along with three of his friends. Nobody could believe and come to terms to this tragic news. Whole of Ambala converged at our door to console us. Everyone was heartbroken. The boy who brought cheers and smiles to others had left sorrow and tears in their eyes. All his dreams got shattered and we lost the most precious and valuable son forever. The desire to see him grow, be proud when he accomplished his dreams got buried with him forever.

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone"

There was so much he wanted to do, prove to himself and others. He was on the threshold of his golden future. A new morning light was suddenly turned into the darkest night. The purest of the pure soul, my angel Sunny Ahluwalia had left for his heavenly abode leaving us to live our life without him. My life seems a goalless drudgery, a void who no one can fill.

'Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live'.

Now I don’t dare to dream anything for my daughter Sharol.

It is not just our family who lost a sweetheart son, sister lost her he man brother but the friends also lost a true confidante and society lost the most promising and pious young boy, a compassionate soul . He was pure as a rose who spread his fragrance and happiness around, who could have brought more smiles to the needy, who could have brought cheer to the minds of all who love dance, movies and music, is no more with us.

My child
No matter how many years go by-----
No matter how far you are away from me----
Nothing can change the bond between us...
My baby you'll always be....

I feel so proud as a mother to take your legacy forward, take over your enthusiasm and work again for my mission NEVER FORGET SUNNY, The Sunny Ahluwalia Charitable Foundation. Serve the society in your name. You will live forever. A promise from a proud and grieving mother. Its not that I want to move on in my life without you but live rest of my life with you.

“Those we love don't go away
They walk beside us everyday
Unseen, unheard but always near
Still loved,still missed and yet very dear.....”

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